Snapchat has become a popular platform for flirting and creating new relationships. With its lively filters and user-friendly interface, finding a potential partner on Snapchat can be easy if you know how to approach it. If you are interested in learning how to pick up a girl on Snapchat, keep reading!

5 simple steps to pick up girl on snapchat.
Step 1
Create an impressive profile
A good profile is the first step towards impressing a girl on Snapchat. Make sure you have a catchy display name, a cool profile picture, and interesting snaps on your story.
– Display name: “Snapping Wanderlust,” “Snapchat Ninja,” “The Snap King,” “Adventurous Snapster,” “Mr. Snaptastic”
– Profile picture: An action shot of you doing something cool or a clear and high-quality headshot
– Story snaps: Show off your hobbies, travels, and interests. Share interesting moments from your day, like a sunset or a delicious meal.
Step 2
Add her on Snapchat
Before you can start picking up a girl on Snapchat, you need to add her first. There are several ways to find her, including through your mutual friends or by finding her username on other social media platforms.
– If you have mutual friends, ask them to introduce you or to give you her username. You can also search for her name in Snapchat’s search bar to see if she has a public profile.
– If you found her username on Instagram or Twitter, send her a message and introduce yourself before adding her on Snapchat.
– If you don’t know her personally, but you find her interesting, send her a genuine message and ask if you can add her.
Step 3
Start a conversation
Once she accepts your friend request, start a conversation. Be respectful and avoid sending inappropriate snaps or messages.
– Ask her a question about something interesting or funny in one of her snaps or stories. For example, if she posted a snap of her hiking, ask her for some hiking tips.
– Compliment her on something she did or wear in her story. For example, if she is wearing a cool t-shirt, tell her that you like it.
– Start a fun and interesting snap streak, where you send each other snaps every day. This is a great way to build a conversation and get to know each other.
Step 4
Flirt and build a connection
After starting the conversation, it’s time to break the ice and start flirting. Focus on building a genuine connection and getting to know her better.
– Send her a silly snap of you making a funny face or doing something random.
– Compliment her on her looks or personality, but be respectful and don’t go overboard.
– Share some of your personal stories and experiences, and ask her to do the same. This will help you both to connect on a deeper level.
Step 5
Ask her out
If you feel like the connection is strong and you both are enjoying each other’s company, it’s time to ask her out. Be specific in your invitation and suggest something that you know she will like.
– Suggest a fun and unique date, like going to the zoo or going for a hike.
– Ask her to join you for a concert or a movie that she mentioned she likes.
– Go old-school and ask her out on a dinner date.
See the steps as infographic

Examples of three real-life conversations showing how to pick up girl on snapchat.
Conversation 1:
Place of the conversation 1: Text/Online Chat
People speaking: Kevin & Emily
Kevin: Hey Emily, what’s up?
Emily: Nothing much, just hanging out at home. How about you?
Kevin: Same here. I was just wondering if you’d like to go on a virtual date with me tonight?
Emily: Oh, I don’t know. I’m not sure if that’s really my thing.
Kevin: Come on, it’ll be fun! We can have dinner together and watch a movie on Netflix.
Emily: Well, I guess that does sound kind of fun.
Kevin: Awesome! How about we meet up on Snapchat at 7 pm?
Emily: Sounds good, see you then!
Kevin: Great, can’t wait!
Conversation 2:
Place of the conversation 2: Coffee Shop
People speaking: Tom & Jessica
Tom: Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I noticed you from across the room and had to come over to say hi.
Jessica: Oh, hi. That’s very kind of you, but I’m in a bit of a hurry right now.
Tom: I see. I was actually hoping to ask you out sometime.
Jessica: I’m sorry, but I’m not really interested in dating right now.
Tom: No problem, I totally understand. But would it be okay if I add you on Snapchat? Maybe we can get to know each other a bit better there.
Jessica: Well, I guess that’s okay.
Tom: Awesome, here’s my snapcode. Thanks, Jessica!
Conversation 3:
Place of the conversation 3: Instagram DMs
People speaking: Michael & Samantha
Michael: Hey Samantha. I hope you don’t mind, but I came across your Instagram and thought you looked really cool, so I wanted to say hi.
Samantha: Oh, um, hi. Thanks, I guess.
Michael: I was also wondering if you’d want to hang out with me sometime? Maybe over Snapchat?
Samantha: I don’t know. I don’t really know you that well.
Michael: That’s fair. How about if we talk more on Snapchat first and see if we have a connection?
Samantha: Alright, that sounds like a good idea.
Michael: Great! Let’s add each other on Snapchat then.
Picking up a girl on Snapchat can be fun and exciting if you approach it the right way. Follow these steps to create an impressive profile, add her on Snapchat, start a conversation, flirt, and ask her out. Remember to be respectful, keep the conversation interesting, and focus on building a genuine connection. So, take the first step, and start snapping your way to your next date!