How to Pick Up a Pretty Girl Next to Me

Do you ever find yourself sitting next to a beautiful girl in a public space, wondering how to strike up a conversation and turn it into something more? In this post, we’ll share a step-by-step guide on how to pick up the pretty girl next to you, with practical, real-life examples for each step. So, put your nerves at ease and get ready to make a move!

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5 simple steps to pick up a pretty girl next to me.

Step 1

Read the Signs

Before approaching her, you need to make sure that she’s open to a conversation. Look for cues that suggest her willingness to engage, like eye contact, body language, or even something as simple as a smile.

– She’s looking around the room, making eye contact with others.
– She opens her body towards you, rather than away from you.
– She makes small talk with people around her.
– She initiates eye contact and smiles.
– She seems relaxed and approachable.

Step 2

Start with a Compliment

Once you’ve read the signs and determined that she’s open to a conversation, start with a compliment that will make her feel good and show your interest in her.

– “I couldn’t help but notice your beautiful smile.”
– “That’s a really cool phone case you have!”
– “Is that your favorite book? I’ve heard great things about it.”
– “You have great style. Where did you get your shirt?”
– “I think your laugh is contagious.”

Step 3

Find a Common Ground

After starting with a compliment, look for something that you have in common to spark a conversation. This could be a shared interest, a common experience, or even something in the environment you’re in.

– “I noticed you’re wearing a band t-shirt. I love that band! Have you seen them in concert before?”
– “I’m also waiting for the train. Do you commute here often?”
– “I couldn’t help but overhear that you’re studying economics. I’m actually a finance major myself.”
– “I love this café. Have you tried their pastries before?”
– “I noticed you’re reading a book by my favorite author. Have you read their other works?”

Step 4

Be Genuine and Intentional

As you continue the conversation, make sure that you’re being authentic and intentional in getting to know her. Ask open-ended questions, actively listen to her responses, and share your own thoughts and experiences.

– “That’s really interesting. Can you tell me more about that?”
– “I completely agree with you. In fact, I had a similar experience when…”
– “I’ve always wanted to try that. Do you recommend it?”
– “It’s great to meet someone who shares the same interests as me.”
– “I’m really enjoying talking to you. Would you like to grab coffee sometime?”

Step 5

Close the Deal

If the conversation has been going well, it’s time to take the next step. Ask for her number or social media handle, and suggest a specific plan for a future date or hangout.

– “I’ve had a great time talking to you. Can I get your number so we can keep in touch?”
– “Do you have Instagram? I’d love to follow you and keep up with your adventures.”
– “I’d love to take you out for drinks sometime. How about this Friday at that new bar we talked about?”
– “Let’s exchange numbers so we can plan a hiking trip together. What do you think?”
– “I’d like to get to know you better. Are you free for dinner tomorrow?”

See the steps as infographic

Infographic showing 5 simple steps to pick up a pretty girl next to me.

Examples of three real-life conversations showing how to pick up a pretty girl next to me.

Conversation 1:

Place of the conversation: Coffee Shop
People speaking: Matt & Emily

Matt: Hi there, I’m Matt. I saw you here and couldn’t resist saying hi.
Emily: Hi, I’m Emily. Nice to meet you.
Matt: Nice to meet you too. Mind if I sit down?
Emily: Sure, I guess.
Matt: So, have you tried the new latte they’re serving here?
Emily: No, I haven’t. I usually just get a regular coffee.
Matt: Well, let me buy you one. It’s pretty good, and we can chat while we drink it.
Emily: Okay, I guess that’s fine.
Matt: Great. So, tell me a bit about yourself.
Emily: hesitant Well, I’m in school studying business. How about you?
Matt: Cool. I work at a tech startup. It’s a lot of fun but also really busy.
Emily: That sounds interesting. What kind of work do you do there?
Matt: We develop software that helps businesses with their accounting. It might sound boring, but it’s pretty cool to see how much it can help them.
Emily: nods That does sound interesting, actually.
Matt: laughs See, I knew you weren’t as boring as you said you were.

Conversation 2:

Place of the conversation: Text/Online Chat
People speaking: Alex & Lily

Alex: Hey there, I noticed you on this app and thought I’d say hi.
Lily: Hi. 🙂
Alex: So, how’s your day been going?
Lily: Not bad. Just hanging out at home since it’s raining outside. How about you?
Alex: Same here. I was hoping to get outside, but I guess I’ll have to find something fun to do inside.
Lily: Definitely. What do you usually do when you’re stuck inside?
Alex: Well, I like to watch movies, read, or play video games. How about you?
Lily: I usually just read or catch up on TV shows. What’s your favorite movie?
Alex: That’s tough. There’s so many good ones out there. But if I had to choose, I’d say The Dark Knight. How about you?
Lily: I love The Princess Bride. It’s such a classic.
Alex: That’s a great choice. Would you like to watch it with me sometime?
Lily: hesitant Um, maybe. I don’t know you very well.
Alex: I understand. Well, let’s get to know each other more, and then maybe we can plan something.
Lily: Yeah, sounds good.

Conversation 3:

Place of the conversation: Beach
People speaking: Ryan & Ava

Ryan: Hi, that’s a nice swimsuit you’re wearing.
Ava: blushes Oh, thanks. I wasn’t sure if it was too much.
Ryan: No way. You look amazing. I’m Ryan, by the way.
Ava: Hi, I’m Ava. Nice to meet you.
Ryan: Nice to meet you too. Mind if I join you on the beach?
Ava: hesitant Um, I don’t know.
Ryan: I won’t bother you. I just thought it would be nice to enjoy the sun and ocean with company.
Ava: nods Okay, fine.
Ryan: Great. So, where are you from?
Ava: I’m from here, actually. Born and raised in California.
Ryan: Cool. I’m from the East Coast originally. It’s nice to get away from the cold winters.
Ava: Yeah, I bet. How do you like California?
Ryan: I love it. There’s so much to explore here. What about you?
Ava: It’s definitely a nice place to call home. But sometimes it’s too busy and crowded.
Ryan: I understand. Well, maybe I can show you some less crowded spots sometime.
Ava: smiles Sure, that sounds nice.


In summary, picking up a pretty girl next to you involves reading the signs, starting with a compliment, finding common ground, being genuine and intentional, and closing the deal. Remember to stay confident and respectful, and don’t be afraid of rejection. With these steps and practical examples, you’ll be able to confidently initiate a conversation and potentially turn a chance encounter into something more. Don’t wait for the perfect moment – make it happen!

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