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How to Pick Up a Narcissistic Woman: The Ultimate Guide to Winning Her Heart

Do you have your sights set on a narcissistic woman? It can be a challenge, but with this guide, you’ll have all the tools you need to win her heart. Whether you’re looking for a short-lived fling or something more serious, these five steps will help you navigate the tricky world of a narcissistic woman and turn the tables in your favor.

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5 simple steps to pick up a narcissistic woman.

Step 1

Play the Flattery Game

Narcissistic women love nothing more than to be flattered and told how amazing they are.

– “Your beauty is truly captivating. I couldn’t resist coming over to say hello.”
– “I was instantly drawn to your charisma and charm.”
– “You have such a magnetic personality, I feel like I could talk to you for hours.”
– “I have to say, I’ve never met anyone as captivating as you.”
– “It’s clear to me that you’re destined for great things.”

Step 2

Show Interest in Her Life

Narcissistic women want their every thought and feeling to be heard and validated, so make sure to show genuine interest in her life.

– “I’d love to hear more about your passions and what drives you.”
– “What’s been on your mind lately? I’m always eager to learn more about you.”
– “Do you have any exciting plans coming up that you’re looking forward to?”
– “Tell me more about your career. I’m so impressed with your success.”
– “It’s clear that you have a lot of depth and I’d love to get to know you better.”

Step 3

Be Present and Engaged

Narcissistic women crave attention and validation, so make sure to be present and engaged in your conversations with her.

– Maintain eye contact and give her your undivided attention.
– Lean in and listen closely to what she’s saying.
– Respond thoughtfully and ask follow-up questions to show you’re engaged.
– Laugh at her jokes and show enthusiasm for her interests.
– Show empathy and understanding for any challenges she’s facing.

Step 4

Be Confident and Assertive

Narcissistic women are often drawn to confident and assertive partners, so don’t be afraid to take charge.

– Plan an exciting date and take the lead in making reservations or picking activities.
– Be confident in your opinions and don’t be afraid to disagree with her.
– Set boundaries when necessary and stand up for yourself.
– Show initiative and take the lead in initiating physical intimacy.
– Be decisive and assertive in your interactions with her.

Step 5

Don’t Be Afraid to Walk Away

Finally, be prepared to walk away if the relationship isn’t meeting your needs or if the narcissistic behavior becomes too much to handle.

– Don’t tolerate disrespectful or manipulative behavior.
– Hold her accountable for her actions and behaviors.
– Don’t settle for anything less than a healthy and respectful relationship.
– Be willing to end things if necessary and move on to someone who is a better fit.
– Keep in mind that you deserve to be with someone who treats you with love and respect.

See the steps as infographic

Infographic showing 5 simple steps to pick up a narcissistic woman.

Examples of three real-life conversations showing how to pick up a narcissistic woman.

Conversation 1:

Place of the conversation 1: Cocktail bar
People speaking: David & Amanda

David: Hi there, I couldn’t help but notice how stunning you look tonight.
Amanda: Oh, thanks, that’s very kind of you.
David: Would you like to grab a drink with me and chat for a while?
Amanda: I appreciate the offer, but I’m not interested in dating right now.
David: That’s understandable. But you know, sometimes it’s nice to meet new people without any expectations. What do you say?
Amanda: Well, I guess that makes sense. Okay then, sure, let’s have a drink.
David: Great! I know a place just around the corner. Follow me.
(After a few drinks)
David: You know, Amanda, I couldn’t help but notice how intelligent and confident you are. It’s refreshing to meet a woman who has her own opinions and isn’t afraid to express them.
Amanda: Thank you. That’s very nice of you to say.
David: It’s the truth. I think we could have some really interesting conversations if you’re up for it.
Amanda: I’d like that. I have to admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect tonight, but I’m glad I came.
David: I am too. Let’s exchange numbers so we can do this again sometime.

Conversation 2:

Place of the conversation 2: Art gallery opening
People speaking: Michael & Michelle

Michael: Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I couldn’t help noticing how amazing you look tonight.
Michelle: Oh, thank you. That’s very sweet of you.
Michael: I was wondering if you’d like to grab a drink with me later and keep this conversation going?
Michelle: I don’t know. I’ve had some bad experiences with guys who only want to talk about themselves.
Michael: I promise you, that’s not me. In fact, I’d love to hear more about you and what you’re passionate about.
Michelle: Okay, I’ll take your word for it. Let’s grab that drink.
Michael: Great! There’s a little bar around the corner from here. Do you mind walking there?
(At the bar)
Michael: Michelle, I have to say, I’m really glad we met tonight. You’re even more interesting and beautiful than I initially thought.
Michelle: You’re too kind. But what makes you say that?
Michael: Well, for starters, the way you light up when you talk about your job. And the fact that you’re not afraid to speak your mind.
Michelle: That’s very perceptive of you.
Michael: I don’t say things I don’t mean. Would it be okay if we exchanged numbers? I’d love to see you again.
Michelle: I’d like that too. Here’s my number.

Conversation 3:

Place of the conversation 3: Text/online chat
People speaking: Tom & Rachel

Tom: Hey there. I came across your profile and thought you seemed really interesting.
Rachel: Thanks, I appreciate that. What caught your attention?
Tom: Well, for one, your love of fitness. I’m a gym rat myself.
Rachel: Oh, awesome. What’s your workout routine?
Tom: Ha, do you have a few hours? I’m kidding. But seriously, I love lifting weights and doing high-intensity interval training.
Rachel: That’s cool. I’m more of a yoga and Pilates girl myself.
Tom: That’s great. I think balance is key. Would you be interested in grabbing a smoothie or something after work sometime?
Rachel: Hmm, I don’t know. I’m not very good at this whole dating thing.
Tom: Hey, no pressure. I’m not looking for anything too serious right now either. Let’s just hang out as friends and see where it goes.
Rachel: Okay, I can do that. You seem like a nice guy.
Tom: Great! Let me know when you’re free and we’ll make plans.


In conclusion, picking up a narcissistic woman takes patience, confidence, and a willingness to set boundaries. By following these five steps, you can show her that you’re both attentive to her needs and assertive enough to hold your own. Remember, it’s important to maintain your self-respect and walk away if the relationship isn’t healthy. Give these tips a try and see if they help you win her heart. Good luck!

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