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How to Pick Up a Girl at Walmart – A Foolproof Guide

Let’s face it, Walmart is not exactly the place that comes to mind when you think of a prime location for finding a potential love interest. However, it is a place that nearly everyone goes to. And you never know, the girl of your dreams might be roaming those aisles just waiting to be discovered. So, if you’re a little unsure where to even begin with trying to pick up a girl at Walmart, don’t worry. In this guide, we’ll walk you through five foolproof steps for successfully doing just that.

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5 simple steps to pick up a girl at walmart.

Step 1

Find the right spot

The first step is to scope out the perfect spot to approach your potential target. You want a location that offers some level of privacy, is not too crowded, and is situated in a high traffic area to increase your chances of finding someone you’re attracted to.

– The beauty aisle is a great place to start as it tends to have fewer people, so it’s not as overwhelming.
– In the produce section, you could try striking up a conversation with someone who is looking at the various fruits and vegetables.
– If you’re feeling especially bold, the checkout line can also be a good spot. Just make sure you aren’t creeping anyone out by standing too closely behind them.
– On a weekend, head to the electronics section, especially near the video games, and chat up someone who seems like they enjoy gaming too.
– Outside the store can work too if you manage to see someone walking in, you can strike up a conversation and walk alongside them on your way in.

Step 2

Make Eye Contact and Smile

Once you’ve found your perfect spot, it’s time to lock eyes with your target and give her a smile. This will help you gauge if she’s interested in a conversation and will also make her feel more comfortable approaching you.

– Look for someone who has caught your eye and hold eye contact with her for a few seconds, then give her a smile.
– Take a glance at her more than a few times to make sure that she is signaling back that she’s interested in you noticing her.
– If she seems receptive, start walking in the direction of her and greet her by saying hello.
– If she is already within conversational distance, start with a friendly smile and a nod to show that you’d like to say something.
– If your intentions are pure, feel free to compliment her outfit, hairstyle, or anything else about her smile or personality that is attractive.

Step 3

Strike up a conversation

Now that you’ve made eye contact and smiled, it’s time to start a conversation. Keep it light, friendly and upbeat by asking her something which can make her talk about herself.

– Start by complementing her on something such as “That shirt really brings out your eyes, where did you get it?”
– Ask her if she’s tried something that you are thinking of buying or place start the conversation with something that is close in proximity to both of you.
– If you happen to see what she has in her cart, make a comment or question about it.
– Introduce yourself and start the conversation with “My name is [insert name] and I’m so glad I ran into you.”
– Compliment something unique about her personality such as “You have a kind voice, are you from around here?”

Step 4

Find common ground

It’s important to find common ground with your new friend to make it easier to continue a conversation. This will help establish a connection and make her feel more comfortable around you.

– Ask about her taste in movies, TV shows or music and recommend some similar things you both might check out together.
– Ask about her job or school and show some interest by asking follow up questions and sharing about your own experience.
– Share your own interests and hobbies and encourage her to open up about what she enjoys as well.
– Start talking about the hobbies and interests close to both of you.
– Bring up current events or a recent local happening that you both can comment on.

Step 5

Close the deal

Once you’ve found some common ground, it’s time to close the deal. Ask for her phone number or suggest you grab a drink together or any mutually agreed activity, to extend the conversation and advance the relationship.

– Once you’ve talked for a bit suggest “Would you like to grab some coffee/ drink and share more about our discussion?”
– “I really enjoyed talking to you, would you like to exchange numbers?”
– Tell her you had a good time & would like to get together again “I really enjoyed meeting you, do you want to plan a second date?”
– Give her your number and ask her to follow up or ask for her number and let her know you’ll be in touch soon.
– If she seems hesitant, tell her you totally understand and still think it was really nice meeting her.

See the steps as infographic

Infographic showing 5 simple steps to pick up a girl at walmart.

Examples of three real-life conversations showing how to pick up a girl at walmart.

Conversation 1:

Place of the conversation 1: Walmart
People speaking: Ryan & Amanda

Ryan: Hey, could you help me find where the cereal is?
Amanda: Oh, yeah sure it’s down aisle 6.
Ryan: Thanks, by the way, I’m Ryan.
Amanda: I’m Amanda.
Ryan: Nice to meet you. Do you come here often?
Amanda: Not really, I’m just picking up a few things for dinner.
Ryan: Well, maybe after you’re finished here, we could grab a coffee or something?
Amanda: I don’t know, I’m not really looking for anything right now.
Ryan: I understand, but what’s the harm in grabbing a coffee with a new friend?
Amanda: That’s true, I guess we could do that.
Ryan: Great, how about we meet at the Starbucks down the street at 7?
Amanda: Okay, see you then!

Conversation 2:

Place of the conversation 2: Walmart
People speaking: Michael & Emily

Michael: Hey, do you know what time this store closes?
Emily: I’m not sure, but I think it’s at 10 pm.
Michael: Thanks. Hey, while we’re here, do you want to grab a quick bite to eat at the McDonald’s?
Emily: I don’t know, I’m not really hungry.
Michael: C’mon, it’ll be fun. I could use some company.
Emily: I don’t think so, I really just want to go home and relax.
Michael: How about we just go and sit, and if you’re not feeling it, we’ll leave?
Emily: Okay, fine. Let’s just eat fast food and talk.
Michael: Awesome, I promise it’ll be worth your while.
Emily: laughs Okay, I’m holding you to that.
Michael: Perfect! Here’s a table, let’s grab some seats.

Conversation 3:

Place of the conversation 3: Walmart
People speaking: Ethan & Chloe

Ethan: Hey, do you happen to know where the chips are?
Chloe: Yeah, they’re down the next aisle on your right.
Ethan: Thanks. Hey, I know this may seem a little forward, but I couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are.
Chloe: blushes Thank you, that’s really sweet.
Ethan: Would you be interested in grabbing a drink or dinner sometime?
Chloe: I’m flattered, but I’m not really looking for anything right now.
Ethan: That’s fine, I completely understand. I just wanted to make sure you knew that I thought you were beautiful and worthy of being approached.
Chloe: smiles Thank you, that really means a lot. Maybe we could exchange numbers and see where it goes from there?
Ethan: Sure thing, let me give you my number.


In summary, picking up girls at Walmart might seem unconventional and a little nerve-wracking, but with these five simple steps, you’re well equipped to give it a try. Remember to find the perfect spot, make eye contact and smile, strike up a conversation, find common ground, and then close the deal. Happy hunting! Remember to stay respectful, have fun and allow things to move at their natural pace.

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