How to Pick Up a Girl at a Wedding: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide

Weddings are great opportunities to find potential partners, but approaching someone you like can be nerve-wracking. Whether you’re single or just looking to network, knowing how to start a conversation with a girl at a wedding can make all the difference. In this post, we’ll take you through five practical steps to help you pick up a girl at a wedding with confidence.

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5 simple steps to pick up a girl at a wedding.

Step 1

Arrive Early

Arriving early gives you a better chance to explore the venue and socialize with people. You’ll feel more relaxed and confident when you’re not in a rush.

– Arrive half an hour before the wedding ceremony or reception starts.
– Check out the seating arrangements and make mental notes of the table arrangements.
– Introduce yourself to the guests who are already there.
– Offer to help with any last-minute preparations.
– Compliment the ambiance or decor to start a conversation.

Step 2

Dress to Impress

Dressing appropriately for the occasion is crucial when trying to pick up a girl at a wedding. Dress to impress without outshining the groom or bride.

– Wear semi-formal attire that reflects your personality.
– Match your accessories with your outfit.
– Wear comfortable shoes to keep yourself mobile.
– Dress according to the wedding theme, if available.
– Take care of your hygiene to make sure that you look and smell fresh.

Step 3

Be a Social Butterfly

Being social means interacting with as many guests as possible. You get to meet new people and increase your chances of meeting someone you like while creating pleasant memories.

– Introduce yourself to the bride and groom to show that you appreciate their invitation.
– Strike up conversations with guests who are sitting alone or standing at the bar.
– Network with family members or mutual friends of the couple.
– Offer to take pictures of guests and engage them in small talk.
– Use humor or make light conversation topics to lighten up the mood.

Step 4

Make Your Move

After getting to know her and establishing rapport, it’s time to make your move by expressing interest and asking her out.

– Ask her what her favorite part of the wedding is and try to find common interests.
– Use playful teasing or humor to cool off things and make her laugh.
– Ask open-ended questions about her hobbies, passions, or work.
– Share your similar experiences and stories to connect with each other.
– Mention your intentions to ask her out and suggest a low-key activity.

Step 5

Follow Up

Following up after the wedding is essential to see whether she’s interested or not. Use social media platforms or contact details to reach out and plan your next date.

– Message her on social media to thank her for making your time enjoyable.
– Ask for her phone number or email address.
– Share a funny meme or interesting article that reminds you of the conversation you had.
– Schedule a date, but don’t pressure her if she’s not ready yet.
– Respect her decision if she’s not interested and move on.

See the steps as infographic

Infographic showing 5 simple steps to pick up a girl at a wedding.

Examples of three real-life conversations showing how to pick up a girl at a wedding.

Conversation 1:

Place of the conversation 1: Wedding reception
People speaking: Adam & Jessica
Adam: Hey, do you want to dance?
Jessica: I don’t know, I’m not much of a dancer.
Adam: Come on, it’s a wedding! You have to dance.
Jessica: I guess you’re right.
Adam: That’s the spirit. So, how do you know the bride and groom?
Jessica: I’m actually the bride’s cousin. What about you?
Adam: I’m an old friend of the groom’s. We went to college together.
Jessica: That’s cool. It’s always nice to reconnect with old friends.
Adam: Yeah, it is. But right now, I’m more interested in getting to know you.
Jessica: laughs Well, I’m not that interesting.
Adam: I doubt that. Let me buy you a drink and we can chat some more.
Jessica: Okay, sure.

Conversation 2:

Place of the conversation 2: Outside the reception hall
People speaking: Michael & Rachel
Michael: Hey, do you mind if I smoke here?
Rachel: I’m not a huge fan of smoking, but go ahead.
Michael: Thanks. You look really nice tonight, by the way.
Rachel: Oh, thanks. You do too.
Michael: I was hoping I could steal you away from this party for a little while and get to know you better.
Rachel: I don’t think that’s a good idea. I didn’t come here to be picked up.
Michael: I understand, but I couldn’t resist the chance to talk to you.
Rachel: I appreciate the compliments, but I really don’t think it’s a good idea.
Michael: I won’t push it, but if you change your mind, just let me know.
Rachel: Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for understanding.

Conversation 3:

Place of the conversation 3: On the dance floor
People speaking: Jason & Ashley
Jason: Hey, do you want to dance?
Ashley: I don’t know, I’m not really that good at dancing.
Jason: That’s okay. Neither am I. But we’re at a wedding, so we have to dance.
Ashley: laughs I guess you’re right.
Jason: I’m Jason, by the way.
Ashley: I’m Ashley.
Jason: Nice to meet you, Ashley. So, who do you know here?
Ashley: I’m friends with the groom.
Jason: Cool, I’m actually friends with the bride. It’s a small world, huh?
Ashley: It really is. So, do you come to a lot of weddings?
Jason: Not really. This is actually the first one I’ve been to in years.
Ashley: Wow, I’m surprised. You seem like a wedding kind of guy.
Jason: laughs What’s that supposed to mean?
Ashley: Just that you seem like someone who loves a good party.
Jason: You got me there. I do love to have fun. And right now, dancing with you is the most fun I’ve had all night.


Picking up a girl at a wedding requires confidence, social skills, and tact. Remember to be respectful, mindful, and genuine when interacting with girls to create positive experiences. Now that you have learned the five practical steps, go ahead and put them into practice at the next wedding you attend. Good luck!

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