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How to Invite a Girl to Your Place And Make Her Feel Comfortable

Whether you’ve just met someone new or you’re looking to take your relationship to new levels, inviting a girl to your place can be a bit intimidating. Figuring out how to make her feel comfortable while still conveying your intentions can be a bit of a challenge. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to invite a girl to your place without coming on too strong and make her feel comfortable and safe.

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5 simple steps to invite a girl to your place.

Step 1

Make sure you have a clean and inviting place

Before inviting a girl over, make sure your home is clean, tidy, and inviting.

– Take out the trash, do the dishes and clean the bathroom.
– Light some candles or turn on some mood lighting.
– Put on some music that suits her taste.
– Make sure there are comfortable places to sit.
– Remove any clutter that might make her feel uncomfortable.

Step 2

Check with her beforehand

Don’t just assume it’s okay to invite her over without checking with her first.

– “Hey, I’ve been thinking about having a movie night at my place. Would you like to come over?”
– “Would you be interested in getting dinner at my place tonight?”
– “I have a really cool board game I’d love to show you. Would you be up for coming over and playing?”
– “Hey, I’m doing some baking today. Would you be interested in coming over and trying something?”
– “I’ve got a nice collection of old movies at home, would you like to come over and watch one tonight?”

Step 3

Respect her comfort and boundaries

Make sure you’re aware of your date’s comfort level and are willing to respect any boundaries she has.

– “Is there anything you’re not comfortable with doing in my apartment?”
– “If you feel uncomfortable at any point, please let me know.”
– “Don’t worry, we can wait to do that until you feel more comfortable.”
– “If you want to leave anytime, just let me know. No questions asked.”
– “I don’t want to pressure you, so we can take things as slow as you’d like.”

Step 4

Prepare some activities

Having something to do together will help alleviate any awkwardness.

– Board games or card games
– Cooking a meal together
– Watching movies or TV shows
– Playing video games or doing puzzles
– Listening to music and dancing

Step 5

Make her feel special

It’s important to make her feel like you’ve put some thought into her visit.

– Have her favorite snack or drink ready for when she comes over.
– Offer her a massage, foot rub or back rub without expecting anything in return.
– Light some candles or buy some fresh flowers.
– Make the atmosphere cozy by having warm blankets and cushions.
– Tell her how much you like spending time with her and appreciate her being there.

See the steps as infographic

Infographic showing 5 simple steps to invite a girl to your place.

Examples of three real-life conversations showing how to invite a girl to your place.

Conversation 1:

Place of the conversation: A coffee shop
People speaking: Michael & Rachel

Michael: Hi Rachel, what brings you here?
Rachel: Just grabbing a quick coffee before heading to work.
Michael: Same here. Hey, I was wondering if you’re free this weekend.
Rachel: Um, I don’t know. What do you have in mind?
Michael: Well, I was thinking maybe we could hang out at my place and watch a movie.
Rachel: I’m not sure. I don’t really know you that well.
Michael: That’s understandable, but I promise I’m not a serial killer or anything. Plus, we’ve known each other for a while now.
Rachel: Okay, I guess that could be fun.
Michael: Great! How about Saturday evening?
Rachel: Sure, sounds good.
Michael: Awesome. I’ll text you the details later.
Rachel: Okay, see you then.

Conversation 2:

Place of the conversation: Work lunch break in a park
People speaking: Alex & Rachel

Alex: Hey Rachel, mind if I join you for lunch?
Rachel: Hi Alex, yeah sure!
Alex: So, have any plans after work today?
Rachel: Not really, why do you ask?
Alex: Well, I was thinking maybe we could hang out and watch some Netflix or something at my place.
Rachel: Oh, I don’t know. It’s a bit sudden, and we’re coworkers.
Alex: I get it. But we could just keep it casual and chill. I have a great collection of movies and I make some killer popcorn.
Rachel: Okay, that does sound nice. Let me think about it and I’ll let you know.
Alex: Sounds good. Let me know by the end of the day so I can plan accordingly.
Rachel: Will do. Thanks, Alex.
Alex: No problem, Rachel. I’ll see you back at the office.
Rachel: See you!

Conversation 3:

Place of the conversation: Text/Online chat
People speaking: Matt & Jenna

Matt: Hey Jenna, how’s it going?
Jenna: Hi Matt, not too bad. Just taking a break from studying. What’s up?
Matt: It’s Saturday night, I was wondering if you’d like to come over to my place and play some games.
Jenna: I’m not really sure if that’s a good idea. We’re just friends, right?
Matt: Yeah of course! We could invite some other friends over too if you’d like.
Jenna: Hmm, that sounds like fun actually. Who else is coming?
Matt: Just a few of our mutual friends. It’ll be a chill and low-key evening.
Jenna: Sounds fun. What time should I come over?
Matt: How about you come over in an hour? Bring a game or something to share if you can.
Jenna: Sure, that works for me. Looking forward to it!
Matt: Me too! Here’s the address in case you forgot. See you soon!
Jenna: Thanks, Matt. Bye!


Inviting a girl to your place can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. However, by following these simple steps, you can create a comfortable and welcoming environment for your date. Remember to be respectful, pay attention to her comfort level, and make her feel special. Give it a try, and you’ll be able to create a memorable experience for both of you!

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