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How to Invite a Girl to the Movies and Land a Date

Are you crushing on a girl and want to ask her out to the movies? Going to the movies is a classic and romantic way to spend time together. But how do you go about inviting a girl to the movies? In this guide, we’ll give you practical steps and real-life examples to help you land that date.

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5 simple steps to invite a girl to the movies.

Step 1

Choose the Right Movie

It’s important to pick a movie that she will enjoy and feel comfortable watching with you.

– If she’s into romantic comedies, suggest watching “Crazy, Stupid, Love”
– If she likes action movies, recommend “The Avengers”
– If she’s into classic movies, suggest “Gone with the Wind”
– If she’s a horror fan, suggest “Get Out”
– If she’s into documentaries, recommend “My Octopus Teacher”

Step 2

Pick the Right Time

Choose a time that suits her schedule and comfort level.

– Ask her what time and day works best for her
– If she’s busy during the week, suggest going on a weekend
– If she’s an early bird, suggest a morning show
– If she’s a night owl, suggest a late show
– If she’s busy during the day, suggest an afternoon matinee

Step 3

Choose the Right Venue

Choose a movie theater that is convenient for her and suits her preferences.

– If she lives closer to a specific movie theater, suggest that one
– If she prefers a specific movie theater chain, recommend that one
– If she likes luxury experiences, suggest a VIP theater
– If she prefers indie movies, suggest an indie movie theater
– If she likes classic theaters, recommend a historic movie theater

Step 4

Extend the Invitation

Be confident and clear when inviting her to the movies.

– “Hey [her name], I was thinking about watching [movie name] at [movie theater name] either on [day] or [day], are either of those days good for you?”
– “I heard [movie name] is really good, would you like to come watch it with me at [movie theater name] sometime?”
– “I really enjoy your company and thought it would be fun to watch a movie together. What do you think about watching [movie name] at [movie theater name]?”

Step 5

Have a Plan

Make sure you have a solid plan beforehand to make the experience enjoyable and stress-free.

– Make sure you buy the tickets beforehand so you don’t have to wait in line
– Ask if she wants anything from the concession stand before heading into the theater
– Be prepared to pay for the tickets and snacks as a nice gesture
– Have a backup plan in case the movie theater is overcrowded or the movie is sold out
– Be open to suggestions from her if she suggests something different than what you’ve planned

See the steps as infographic

Infographic showing 5 simple steps to invite a girl to the movies.

Examples of three real-life conversations showing how to invite a girl to the movies.

Conversation 1:

Place of the conversation 1: Cafeteria at work
People speaking: Michael & Emily

Michael: Hey Emily, can I talk to you for a second?
Emily: Uh sure, what’s up?
Michael: I was wondering if you’d like to go see a movie with me this weekend?
Emily: Oh, um, I don’t know. I don’t really like the movies.
Michael: That’s okay, we can do something else if you prefer. What kinds of things do you like?
Emily: Well, I like going to art museums and trying new restaurants.
Michael: That sounds great! What about we go check out this new Italian place around the corner and then catch an art exhibit at the museum downtown?
Emily: That sounds like a really fun date, Michael.
Michael: Awesome, it’s a date then. I’ll pick you up at 6 on Saturday.
Emily: Excitedly Sounds good, see you then!

Conversation 2:

Place of the conversation 2: Text/online chat
People speaking: Alex & Amanda

Alex: Hey Amanda, would you like to go see a movie with me this Friday night?
Amanda: Oh hey Alex, I don’t know. I’ve been really busy lately and I don’t think I’ll have much free time.
Alex: No worries, we can go anytime that works for you.
Amanda: Really? That would be kind of cool. What do you have in mind?
Alex: Well, there’s this new action movie out that looks pretty good. Or we can go see a chick flick if you’d rather.
Amanda: I actually think I’d like the chick flick better. Which one were you thinking?
Alex: How about “The Notebook”? It’s supposed to be a classic.
Amanda: Wow, you’ve seen that movie?
Alex: sheepishly Yeah, I’ll admit I have. But I promise I won’t cry this time around.
Amanda: Okay fine, you’ve convinced me. Let’s go see it Friday night.
Alex: Awesome, I’ll buy the tickets. See you at the theater at 7?
Amanda: Smiling Yeah, sounds great. See you there.

Conversation 3:

Place of the conversation 3: Park near the lake
People speaking: Ryan & Lisa

Ryan: Hey Lisa, do you have any plans for this weekend?
Lisa: Not really, just planning on catching up on some Netflix shows.
Ryan: Well, how about switching it up and going to catch a movie with me?
Lisa: I don’t know, I don’t really like watching movies in theaters. It’s always so loud and crowded.
Ryan: I get that, but I know this great indie theater that only shows lesser-known, quieter films. Plus they have the comfiest seats.
Lisa: Okay, that sounds a little more enticing. What movie were you thinking?
Ryan: They’re showing this new foreign film that’s getting a lot of buzz. I think it’s called “Roma”. It’s supposed to be really artsy and beautiful.
Lisa: Hmm, I’m not sure if I’m into those kinds of films. Are there any other options?
Ryan: Well, then how about this new comedy that just came out? I heard it’s getting really good reviews.
Lisa: Oh, really? Which one is it?
Ryan: “Good Boys”. It’s about a group of kids who get mixed up in all sorts of crazy antics. I heard it’s hilarious.
Lisa: Okay, that sounds like a lot of fun. Smiling Sure, let’s go see it.
Ryan: Awesome, I can’t wait to laugh with you. I’ll pick you up at 7 on Saturday.
Lisa: Smiling Thanks, Ryan. I’m actually really excited to see it now.


In this guide, we’ve given you practical steps and real-life examples to help you invite a girl to the movies and land a date. Remember to choose the right movie, pick the right time, choose the right venue, extend the invitation confidently, and have a solid plan. Go ahead and give it a try. Good luck!

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