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How to Invite a Girl to the Gym: 5 Easy Steps

Going to the gym with someone feels great, especially if it’s someone you care about. Working out together is a great bonding experience that can lead to a more meaningful relationship. But how do you invite your crush to join you at the gym without sounding too forward? Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you do it smoothly.

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5 simple steps to invite a girl to the gym.

Step 1

Find out Her Fitness Interests

Before asking her out, find out what type of workout she’s into.

– Ask her about her favorite type of workout.
– Observe what kind of shoes she wears – running shoes for endurance, flat shoes for lifting weights.
– Take note of the kind of workout clothes she wears.
– Check her social media pages for any workout-related posts.
– Ask her friends about her fitness interests.

Step 2

Pick a Gym That She Might Like

Choose a gym that aligns with her interests and preferences.

– If she’s into yoga, pick a gym that offers yoga classes.
– If she enjoys swimming, choose a gym that has a pool.
– If she loves lifting weights, check out a bodybuilding gym.
– If she likes dancing, take her to a Zumba class.
– If she’s a competitive person, go to a gym that offers challenges and promotions.

Step 3

Plan a Fun Workout Together

Create a workout plan that both of you will enjoy.

– If she’s into cardio, plan a run outside in the park or on the treadmill.
– If she likes lifting weights, create a workout routine that focuses on strength training.
– If she’s into Yoga, attend a yoga class together.
– If she enjoys dancing, sign up for a dance fitness class.
– If she’s into boxing, enroll in a boxing class together.

Step 4

Invite Her Out

Invite her confidently and make sure she knows what she’s getting into.

– “Hey, I’m going to a yoga class this Saturday. Would you like to come along? I’d love your company.”
– “I’m trying out a new gym tomorrow that has a great boxing class. Want to join me and see how it goes?”
– “There’s a fun Zumba class on Wednesday, and I thought it would be cool to check it out together. Would you be interested?”
– “I’m planning on doing a strength-training workout tomorrow, and I could use a partner. Are you available to join me?”
– “I’m going for a swim tomorrow after work, do you want to join me? It’s going to be fun.”

Step 5

Make it a Date

Set the mood for the gym date and let her know it’s a romantic invitation.

– Dress up for the occasion and look your best.
– Bring her flowers or a protein bar as a gift.
– Compliment her when she looks great in her gym clothes.
– High-five her after a hard workout.
– Suggest going for a smoothie after the gym.

See the steps as infographic

Infographic showing 5 simple steps to invite a girl to the gym.

Examples of three real-life conversations showing how to invite a girl to the gym.

Conversation 1:

Place of the conversation: Park
People speaking: Jack & Emily

Jack: Hey, Emily. I was thinking of heading to the gym later. Want to join me?
Emily: Oh, I don’t know. I’m not really into exercising.
Jack: That’s okay, I used to be like that too. But trust me, it’s really good for you. And with the right company, it’s actually fun.
Emily: Okay, I guess I’ll give it a try. But I warn you, I’m not very good at it.
Jack: Don’t worry about that. We all start somewhere. It’s just about taking that first step.
Emily: Alright, I’ll give it a shot. What time should we meet?
Jack: How about in an hour? That gives you some time to get ready.
Emily: Sounds good. See you then.
Jack: Great! Wear something comfortable and we’ll have a good time.
Emily: Okay, I will. Thanks for convincing me to come.
Jack: No problem, I’m glad you’re joining me.

Conversation 2:

Place of the conversation: Workplace
People speaking: Tom & Rachel

Tom: Hey, Rachel. I heard you’re trying to get in shape.
Rachel: Yeah, I’ve been meaning to start working out again. Why do you ask?
Tom: Well, I’ve been going to the gym a lot lately and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me sometime.
Rachel: I don’t know, I’m not really comfortable at the gym. I feel like everyone is watching me.
Tom: Trust me, no one is watching you. And if it makes you feel any better, I’ll be there with you.
Rachel: Okay, I guess that does make it easier. When were you thinking?
Tom: How about tomorrow after work?
Rachel: Okay, I can do that. What time?
Tom: How about 6 pm? We can grab a quick bite to eat afterwards if you’re hungry.
Rachel: Sounds good to me. I’ll meet you there.
Tom: Great, can’t wait!

Conversation 3:

Place of the conversation: Text/online chat
People speaking: Josh & Sarah

Josh: Hey, Sarah. I was just wondering, have you ever been to the gym before?
Sarah: Not really. I mean, I’ve gone a few times, but I never really stuck with it.
Josh: Well, if you’re interested, I go pretty regularly. Would you want to come with me sometime?
Sarah: I don’t know. I’m not really that into working out.
Josh: That’s okay, no pressure. But if you change your mind, I’d be happy to show you the ropes and help you feel comfortable there.
Sarah: Alright, maybe I’ll take you up on that offer. When were you thinking?
Josh: How about next Tuesday after work?
Sarah: Okay, I can do that. What time should I meet you?
Josh: Let’s say 6 pm. That way we can get a good workout in and then grab dinner afterwards if you’re up for it.
Sarah: Okay, that sounds good to me. Thanks for inviting me.
Josh: No problem, I’m looking forward to it!


Going to the gym with a girl you like can be a great way to bond and get to know each other better. Ask her out confidently to a gym that aligns with her interests and create a fun workout routine for both of you to enjoy. Remember to make it clear that it’s a romantic invitation and set the mood for a successful gym date. Good luck!

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