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How to Pick Up a Woman on Instagram: A Step-by-Step Guide

The rise of social media has enabled new ways of connecting and engaging with people. One platform that has dominated the social media space in recent years is Instagram. With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram is a goldmine for finding and connecting with new people, including potential romantic partners. In this practical guide, we’ll show you how to pick up a woman on Instagram, step-by-step.

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5 simple steps to pick up a woman on instagram.

Step 1

Tips for Setting Up Your Profile

Before you start reaching out to women on Instagram, you need a profile that will attract them. Here are some tips to make your profile look appealing and trustworthy.

– Choose a good profile picture- Make sure it’s of high quality, shows your face clearly and that you are smiling.
– Set up a clear bio- This should include a bit of information about you and what you’re interested in.
– Curate your feed: Make sure the content on your Instagram gives out positive vibes
– Engage with the community: The more active you are, the more likely women will interact with your account.
– Be mindful of your personal brand: Ensure the content you post represents your values so as not to turn females off

Step 2

How to Find Women on Instagram

After setting up your profile, you need to find women who may be interested in you. Here are five practical ways to do it.

– Use Hashtags- Genuinely search some popular hashtags and strike up a conversation with the women that have recently posted content with these hashtags.
– Explore local Instagram profiles- Search for people, events, stores or restaurants which are popular in your city and you might be interested in exploring further then say hello to the female users if they are active.
– Join Facebook and Instagram groups – Join local or interest groups so as to put yourself in bigger social circles.
– Create and share your own content: Put yourself out there by sharing your own content that makes it easier for women to find you.
– Engage with their content- Like or comment on the posts that resonate with your interests so as to start meaningful conversations.

Step 3

How to Slide Into the DMs

After you have found someone on Instagram who piques your interest, how do you make the final move? Here are five ways to do it right.

– Give them a compliment – talk about things you admire from their DM’s, give a compliment on their post, their outfit or something else you admire.
– Start with something unexpected – ask relevant questions related to their posts or hobbies to make sure they are engaged, don’t just say “Hi”.
– Share common interests – Share things you are interested in with them and ask if they share the same interests.
– Suggest hanging out – Once a good conversation has started, it’s time to take things to the next level by suggesting a hangout
– Be yourself – Remember to be authentic so as to ensure the conversation is genuine.

Step 4

How to Keep the Conversation Going

Getting someone’s attention is one thing, but keeping it is another. We’ve got five ideas for how to keep a conversation going with a woman on Instagram.

– Ask open-ended questions: Ask questions that start with “who”, “what”, “when”, “where”, and “why” to encourage further conversation
– Send Memes – Send funny memes in response to their posts or to make her laugh.
– Stay engaged: Respond to their posts, stories and genuinely express interest in their lives.
– Take the conversation offline – At the right time, suggest moving the conversation off Instagram to meet up or switch to a video call.
– Share personal stories – Share personal stories to create common ground between you two.

Step 5

How to Ask for a Date

If everything has gone smoothly so far, and there is chemistry, it’s time to ask her out on a date. Here are five ways to do it.

– Be straight forward: Say that you’ve enjoyed the conversations so far and now want to see them in person.
– Pick an activity- ask if they want to go on a hike, try a new bar/restaurant, or any activity that you’re both interested in engaging in.
– Give her an option – ask if they’d like to do something with you on a specific day/date or if there’s a day that works well for them.
– Consider video dating- due to recent events, its worth considering to ask them for a video date before meeting in person
– Be respectful- Remember not to put pressure and take “no” as an answer.

See the steps as infographic

Infographic showing 5 simple steps to pick up a woman on instagram.

Examples of three real-life conversations showing how to pick up a woman on instagram.

Conversation 1:

Place of the conversation 1: Text/online chat
People speaking: Mike & Emily

Mike: Hey Emily, I came across your Instagram profile and was wondering if we could chat for a bit?
Emily: Hi Mike, thanks for reaching out, but I don’t really talk to strangers.
Mike: I get it, but we don’t have to stay strangers. How about if we get to know each other online first?
Emily: I don’t know, I’ve had some bad experiences before.
Mike: I understand, but I’m not like those guys. I promise to be respectful and honest. What do you say?
Emily: Okay, let’s chat for a bit and see how it goes.
Mike: That’s great! So what are your interests besides posting amazing photos on Instagram?
Emily: I love traveling, trying new foods, and reading books. How about you?
Mike: I’m into sports, video games, and music. Have you traveled to any cool places recently?
Emily: Yes, I went to Bali last summer. It was amazing!
Mike: Wow, sounds incredible. I’ve never been there, but it’s definitely on my list. How was the food?
Emily: The food was incredible! I could eat Nasi Goreng every day.
Mike: Haha, I’ve never tried that before but it sounds delicious. Can I take you out for dinner sometime and try it together?
Emily: Sure, that sounds like fun! Let’s exchange numbers and plan it soon.

Conversation 2:

Place of the conversation 2: Café in the afternoon
People speaking: David & Sofia

David: Hi, I don’t mean to bother you, but I wanted to say that your artwork on Instagram is really impressive.
Sofia: Oh, thank you so much! I appreciate that.
David: I’m actually an art enthusiast myself, and was wondering if you’d be interested in grabbing coffee sometime and talking more about it.
Sofia: That sounds nice, but I’m not sure if I’m interested in going on a date with someone I just met.
David: I completely understand. How about we just meet up and chat as friends? No pressure or expectations.
Sofia: Okay, that sounds fair. Would next Saturday work?
David: Yes, that works great for me. How about we meet at the museum and check out some of the art?
Sofia: Yes, that sounds like a great idea. I’m looking forward to it!

Conversation 3:

Place of the conversation 3: Gym during a workout
People speaking: Jason & Rachel

Jason: Hi there, I noticed you’re working out pretty hard. Can I join you for a set?
Rachel: Uh, sure. I usually prefer to work out alone, but I don’t mind one more person.
Jason: Thanks, I promise I won’t be a bother. By the way, I saw you on Instagram and think you have really great style.
Rachel: Oh, thank you. I’m a fashion blogger, so I try to keep things up to date.
Jason: You do a great job. I’m looking to revamp my wardrobe and was wondering if you had any suggestions.
Rachel: Sure, I’d love to help. What kind of style are you interested in?
Jason: To be honest, I don’t really know. I usually just wear athletic clothes all the time. But I want to improve my overall appearance, maybe dress up a bit more professionally.
Rachel: Well, I have a few ideas. I think first we should start by getting rid of those baggy gym shorts.
Jason: Haha, yes, they’re not my best look. How about we grab a smoothie together and talk about it more?
Rachel: I’d love that! Let me just finish these reps and we can talk more.


There has never been a better time for online dating and Instagram is the best place to do it from the comfort of your own home. Make sure you have an attractive and engaging profile, find the right women to chat with, start up a conversation, keep it going and if everything goes accordingly, ask her out on a date. With these simple tips, you can use Instagram to find love anytime and anywhere.

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